The Spark File with Susan Blackwell and Laura Camien
Your one stop shop for creative ideas and inspiration. Each week on The Spark File podcast, Susan Blackwell and Laura Camien reach into their spark files and share stories, ideas and fascinations to ignite your imagination. Obsessed with creativity, Blackwell and Camien also talk with artists and makers, movers and shakers who have taken the spark of inspiration and fanned it into a flame. Hear from inspiring creatives like Lin-Manuel Miranda, Sara Bareilles, Eric Stonestreet, Jonathan Groff, Julianne Moore and Bart Freundlich, Zachary Quinto, Leslie Odom Jr, Bobby Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Billy Eichner, Celia Keenan-Bolger, Karen Olivo, Sutton Foster, Michael R. Jackson and many more about their passions and their failures, their inspirations and their aspirations. Refill your creative fish pond with new ideas and fresh perspectives. Listen, then take it and make it!
Season 5 Finale
Closing Ceremonies: Blue Man Group
Hug An Author Today
Making Change Pt. 3
Primordial Soup
Gifts & Creativity

Menopause + Creativity
Go All The Way There

Reaching Out
Join The Joiners
Catharsis, Comfort & Change

The Creative Act

Moral Distress Signal

Spooky Sparks from SPARKfest
Them's The Rules

Sparks from SPARKfest (Part 1)

WWGD? (Learning from Gavin Creel)

Grief & Creativity

Shining Your Creative Light

Certainty v. Creativity

Creativity Sparks: Season 4 Finale!

Creativity Sparks: From Good to Great

Creativity Sparks: You Have a (true) Story to Tell

Creativity Sparks: Processing Creative Conclusions and Milestones